The new girl

Wow I cant believe I have not been writing for 8 solid months.

So much things had happened, and I’ve been happier!

Let’s recap what happened in these whole of 8 months!

  • Dahlia celebrated her 1st birthday, with close families.
  • We flew to Vietnam for babymoon and also to shop for Raya outfit! It was Dahlia’s first flight, but I could tell you she was and easy baby. Handed her pacifier and she fell asleep as soon as the plane took off. It was a pleasant 2 and half hour trip!
  • Near to my EDD I found out that I nearly had placenta previa and we scheduled for a C-sec(at 38 weeks) even though the placenta got up back to the right place, but it was the safest procedure rather than go through labor and no progress which we might end up with emergency C sec and having so much complications. I do want to try out normal labor but who am I go against fate? On the bright side, the experience were better. I recovered faster after surgery and got to see my beautiful baby girl just one hour after the surgery. She instantly had the bond and breastfed immediately.
  • Dahlia is already trying to adapt her days in school. She’s still crying everyday, Teacher says it’s on/off. I got to see her pictures checking in/out in schoool, almost everyday she carried the crying face, dont know what to say to that girl!

I couldn’t believe how much a mother one could be, until I became one. The strength and the power of love is inevitable.

For the first few months, Dahlia couldn’t really adapt having Dhea in the house. For a start (and a small newborn), Dhea was a loud girl. Be it crying for milk, or drawing attention, IT WAS LOUD! Dahlia had been a quiet baby, unlike Dhea. I love them both the same and I can never imagine my life without them!

Dhea Delisha turned 5 months just a few days ago!

Being a mother of 2: I guess I found my true passion, my personality and loved what I do. I’m a working mom on weekdays, and a housewife on weekends.

Well on the side note, the kids have been under the weather for a few weeks. Dahlia had to skip school for a few days and both girls have been leaking green sundae on their nostrils every few minutes. Busy weeks for Mummy and Daddy!