Turning 30

As cliche as it sounds, being a mother is exhausting yet enjoyable. I have learned so many things and at times i failed. For instance, I did not realized I grabbed her a bit too tight when I couldn’t get some sleep due to the discomfort she felt, ended up yelling the whole night in pain. I am feeling extremely guilty as I am typing this.

At times, I do feel the satisfaction figuring out the song she sang, even though everyone couldn’t understand a single bit. I recognized her favorite song, her favorite tune, or the favor she asked of me. When she asked for her phone, I told her “Can you check in my room near to the bed?” She instantly got up, she found the phone. Those are satisfaction which no one in the world could ever understand. Those little things I told them to, and they heeded.

As i grew older (and bigger), I realised that the things that change are only our lifestyle, our size or how we dealt with daily lives. But we didn’t realised that those kids are growing bigger and smarter. I mean every single day when they are back from school, they gave me a brand new act, new song, new word, new tantrum. By the time it was weekend, some clothes could no longer fit, the height chart line increased, those tiny adults are definitely growing.

Well, let’s go back to me, who is turning 30 this weekend. Oh I do not want to start sobbing (because I can!) I just couldn’t believe that I am getting this old! YES I FEEL THAT 30 IS OLD! Too much wisdom I gotta carry around, being 29 made me experience too much knee pain, backache and worst traumatic migraine which I could never imagine having! Beginning of this year, I wasn’t sure what happened to me, my head was truly in pain that I could never do a single shit in the house, if it happened on weekend, the kids and hubby had to hang out at home but with me just lying down with my eyes open, well I could talk and everything but need my head on the ground AT ALL TIMES. Then I started consuming Magnesium, read some reviews it helped with manses cramps and migraine. But it didn’t helped me. Initially, I tried so many other things, with the fear every single month that the migraine would come back that made me unable to do anything the whole day. Come to think of it, it’s actually gone now, maybe thanks to the Jamu I am consuming now. I shall share some health products and reviews on my next post. I am one of the most problematic adults who has problems with weight, manses, bowel, skin EVERYTHING!

Well, as I turn 30 real soon, there are some checklist I would like to make for myself. Try/Do/Practice things I have been wanting to do.

  • I would loved to eat lots lots lots of salad with beef/chicken breast.
  • Maybe cook saba fish every week but lesser teriyaki sauce.
  • Dine alone maybe once a month, for some me time.
  • Never miss my solat, and try my best to solat on time.
  • Brazilian waxing and full body massage every single month, OH IT WOULD BE GREAT IF THIS WOULD COME TRUE
  • Learning to sit while I drink
  • Drink lots of Green Tea (Still looking for the brand which my office’s vending machine is carrying though)
  • Complete the 28 days challenge of Losing Belly Fat in YouTube
  • Well, it’s okay to be health conscious and aim to lose 20 kg
  • Not ignoring my bed time skin care routine, felt guilty leaving my Estee Lauder Night Repair in the corner and Lancome mask in the fridge 😦 I bought them for good reasons and I shall try my very best to feed my skin.

Honestly, my list goes on. But I do not wanna commit to such long list and half way through, I’ll just give up.

Maybe some time to complete it, I mean I have my whole life right?

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